National Exam Preparation Class: $135

Ace the National exam,Secure your future

Welcome to Top Tier Interpreting. Our National Exam Preparation Class is offered fully online.
This Mentorship Session will offer:

  • Strategies to Pass the National Exam
  • Audios and Printable Material to Prepare for the Exam
  • Advice on how to overcome common pitfalls during the exam
  • A Detailed Breakdown of What to Expect During the Exam

Enroll now to tap into the knowledge of our expert mentors, integrating their guidance to
maximize your possibilities to pass the exam!

Our virtual classes, conducted via Zoom, offer the convenience of flexible learning from anywhere. Additionally, printable materials are provided to supplement your learning experience. With classes ranging from 1 hour 15 minutes to 2 hours, our intensive sessions ensure you’re fully equipped for success.

Join us and take your interpreting career to new heights. Let Top Tier Interpreting be your partner in unlocking the full potential of your professional journey.